Shasta Pools

Modern Pool Design Inspiration

Building a new pool? A modern pool design is both chic and practical. Think clean lines, fresh new water features,…

6 years ago

Enjoying Your Pool in the Fall

States in the northern and central USA may experience their first chilly days as early as mid-September, but for those…

8 years ago

Come Visit Shasta Pools at the Maricopa Home and Garden Show July 15 – 17!

Start Living the Shasta Lifestyle Today Don’t forget to visit the Shasta Pools & Spas booth at the upcoming Maricopa Home…

9 years ago

Shasta Celebrating 50 Years: Then & Now

We at Shasta Pools are ecstatic about celebrating our 50th anniversary as Phoenix pool builders. Those that have been with…

9 years ago

The Shasta Difference: What Makes a Pool a Master Pool?

When customers contact the pool builders here at Shasta, they often ask us about "master pools". What is a Master…

10 years ago

A Shasta Pools Guide to Pool Finishes: Plaster, Tile, and Aggregate

Quality pool builders and designers like us here at Shasta have a variety of pool finishes available. However, without doing…

10 years ago

7 Pools And Spas We Love To Pair Together

Throughout the years, we at Shasta have had the privilege of designing a variety of pools and spas, but some…

10 years ago

Top 10 Reasons Shasta Makes Great Pools

Shasta Pools and Spas is known for making great pools, and we pride ourselves in being the leaders in unique…

10 years ago

How To Pair Patios With Pools For The Ideal Backyard Living Space

Pools and patios naturally go together, but not all patios with pools are complimentary to one another. Small pools may…

10 years ago

8 of Our Favorite Swim Pool Accessories For Spring

Spring is all about getting back outside and enjoying everything that our beautiful state of Arizona has to offer. One…

10 years ago