
Meet Your Shasta Remodeling Team

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Herschel Holder

Remodel Sales & Design Manager

Herschel’s love for hiking originated in Seattle and expanded when he moved to Arizona to become a Sun Devil!

Matthew McMacken

Remodel Sales & Design Consultant

Matthew grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota and enjoys meeting people from all over the United States as Phoenix is a destination area for so many to now call home. Go Cards!

Mark Helbig

Remodel Sales & Design Consultant

Mark, father of three and grandfather of three, is a huge sports fan and loves all outdoor activities.

Brent Wilde

Remodel Sales & Design Consultant

For over 55 years, Brent has had fun in the sun hiking, playing golf and playing softball.

Scott Liska Scott Liska

Scott Liska

Remodel Sales & Design Consultant

Scott is a proud grandpa with one grandson and enjoys riding motorcycles, going four wheeling, hiking and paddle boarding.

Scott Johnson

Remodel Sales & Design Consultant

Scott is a fourth generation AZ native and ancestor of the White Mountain Apache Tribe. His mother grew up on the reservation and went to Alchesay High School, whom happens to be his great great grandfather. Scott’s son and daughter mean the world to him. And, he’s a huge fan of all Arizona sports, especially Arizona State University as a former Sun Devil!

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