Categories: Water Safety

The Best Safety Features for Your New Pool

When designing a new custom pool, it’s easy to get caught up in all the fun stuff such as shapes, water features, tile and deck options. But safety considerations should be part of every new pool design.

A lot of pool accidents can be avoided by using a few basic and non-intrusive safety features. Just a little bit of extra forethought can go a long way towards preventing injuries in the long run. To keep your family, friends and guests safe around the pool, we’ve collected a list of the best pool safety features for your new backyard oasis in the Phoenix area.


Ask every expert their top tip for keeping kids safe in the pool and they will tell you that there is no substitute for keeping an eye on the kids while they swim. And it’s not just the kids—experts even recommend adults use the buddy system as an additional safety measure. Being actively watching and aware of what everyone is doing is the best way to not only avoid accidents, but to keep a minor incident from becoming potentially fatal.


While more common in public pool areas, it never hurts to have caution signs around your pool, encouraging people to practice safe swimming habits. No running, no diving in shallow water, take care when playing, the power of your pool drain—all of these can be communicated through non-intrusive signage that reminds your swimmers of the potential dangers.


Having an enclosure can be an important safety feature to keep kids from wandering into the pool area unsupervised. If you’re going for a more natural look for your custom pool design, you probably don’t want a fence that doesn’t match well with your backyard around your pool. Luckily, custom designs can incorporate fences and enclosures that better match your aesthetic approach while keeping little ones safe. For additional safety, you may even consider multiple enclosures—an outer and an inner fence or wall.


As you work to design and build your deck area, consider using slip-resistant or slip-proof coatings or products to cut down on the potential for falling on hard concrete. Some of these products are naturally slip-resistant. With others, add-on options can be applied with stickers, brushes or sprays.


Kids have a way of finding trouble, no matter how closely they’re watched. Consider adding an alarm to your pool as a great warning system to let you know if someone managed to get into the pool unsupervised. There are a lot of alarm types on the market today, including motion sensors, water sensors, devices attached to pool gates and even wristbands that your children wear.


Placing a sturdy cover on your pool is a good way to keep people from getting in without you giving the okay. They can even help to avoid accidents should someone fall in—the cover will catch them and keep them from going under.

If you’re thinking about building a pool in Arizona soon, or if you’re concerned that your pool doesn’t have the right safety features, we’re happy to help make your pool experience safe and enjoyable for everyone.


Amy Rushia

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