Is Shotcrete or Gunite best for your Arizona pool?

Gunite, shotcrete, fiberglass, vinyl lined… trying to decide which material is the best to bring your swimming pool dreams to life can give anyone a headache.  We’ll try to clear up any confusion by looking at shotcrete vs gunite pools by first looking at what is a gunite pool and what is a shotcrete pool:

What Is A Gunite Pool?

A gunite pool, also known as a “dry shotcrete pool”, are created by the gunite being brought on-site and shot as a dry mixed powder through a hose for application.  A “nozzle-man” will hydrate the the mix by adding water to it as the mix exits the hose.

What Is A Shotcrete Pool?

Also known as “wet shotcrete”, this material comes as a factory-mixed wet concrete that is brought on-site via a concrete truck.

The Benefits Of A Gunite Pool

  • This material results in the most strong and more watertight pools when properly constructed and designed
  • These pools have fewer joints due to the low volume of water needed for the concrete mixture
  • Gunite has a high compressive strength, ranging anywhere between 7500 to 9000 psi
  • Great option for freeform pools

The Benefits Of A Shotcrete Pool

  • Shotcrete, when properly applied, will also result in the strongest and most watertight pool material
  • This material can also have fewer joints than other types of material
  • Shotcrete still has a high compressive strength of anywhere between 6000 to 7500 psi
  • Also a great option for freeform pools

With benefits this similar, it can be difficult to determine which pool is best for the homeowner when looking at shotcrete vs gunite pools.  What it often comes down to is a matter of preference and what the pool designer of your choice will be willing to work with.  Shotcrete can be a bit more rough, and so pool plaster material will need to be applied to finish the surface.  On the flip side, gunite tends to be more time consuming, which can result in higher construction costs for homeowners.

Shasta Pools is a Phoenix pool builder who provides a variety of services including swimming pool remodeling, commercial pool building, and pool service and repair. Since its establishment in 1967, Shasta has helped over 80,000 families realize their dream of pool ownership. By providing exceptional value, quality craftsmanship and superior customer service, the Shasta team continues to fulfill the corporate mission of astonishing and delighting their customers and exceeding expectations. You can learn more about Shasta Pools & Spas by visiting them online, or by connecting with them on Facebook or Twitter.

Amy Rushia

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