5 Essential Summertime Safety Tips From Shasta Pools

With the month of May being National Water Safety month, we thought that there’s be no better way to kick it off with these 5 essential summertime safety tips:

1. Keep Cool When It’s Hot

As tempting as it is for kids and adults alike to spend hours out in the sun, anyone at any age can become overheated and dehydrated.  This can result in heat exhaustion or even heatstroke, which can be life-threatening.  Practice sun safety for kids by providing:

  • Ample shade
  • Water or a sports drink
  • Fun activities indoors or out of the sun

Set up a shady area in the pool to really keep it cool.

2. Wear SPF Swim Suits

Most of us know that sun block with an SPF of 30 or higher is essential, but you can further decrease your skin’s exposure to UV rays by throwing on a t-shirt when in the pool, or by even wearing SPF swim suits and swim gear.

3. Protect Your Eyes

Whether at the beach or by the pool, the bright sun rays bouncing off of the water can cause permanent damage to your eyes.  Make sure that not only wear sunglasses when outside on a sunny day, but wear those that offer full UVA and UVB protection.

4. Enforce Strict Pool Rules

According to the CDC, drowning is not only the second leading cause of death among children, but for every child that dies another four are being treated in the ER for near-drowning injuries.  Whether you have an inground pool or a small kiddie pool set up in the backyard, enforce strict swim safe rules and make sure that an attentive parent or guardian is present when children are in the pool at all times.

5. Have A First Aid Kit Nearby

And the last of our summertime safety tips is to always have a first aid kit nearby.  A first aid kit should always be located near the pool, but parents and guardians should also have one in the car or on hand when traveling as well.

Shasta Pools is a Phoenix pool builder who provides a variety of services including swimming pool remodeling, commercial pool building, and pool service and repair. Since its establishment in 1967, Shasta has helped over 80,000 families realize their dream of pool ownership. By providing exceptional value, quality craftsmanship and superior customer service, the Shasta team continues to fulfill the corporate mission of astonishing and delighting their customers and exceeding expectations. You can learn more about Shasta Pools & Spas by visiting them online, or by connecting with them on Facebook or Twitter.

Amy Rushia

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